History of lemurs

There was once over 100 species of lemur, but sadly most of them are now extinct. Lemurs are known sometimes as before monkeys (prosimians/pre primates) this means that lemurs came before everything else; we evolved from the first type of lemur.Lemurs came to be in Madagascar because when Madagascar was connected to the rest of Africa it broke free and most of the species of lemur were on the island, some came across on floating vegatation. 

Grey-mouse lemur

  • The grey mouse lemur is sometimes recognised as a rodent rather than a primate (monkey).
  • You know that the grey mouse lemur is nocturnal. It is also the smallest type of lemur. 

Radioactive Elements

I will tell you the name, symbol and the atomic number of all the elements that are radioactive

  • Technetium-Tc-43
  • Promethium-Pm-61
  • Polonium-Po-84
  • Astatine-At-85
  • Radon-Rn-86
  • Francium-Fr-87
  • Radium-Ra-88
  • Actinium-Ac-89
  • Thorium-Th-90
  • Protactinium-Pa-91
  • Uranium-U-92
  • Neptunium-Np-93
  • Plutonium-Pu-94
  • Americium-Am-95
  • Curium-Cm-96
  • Berkelium-Bk-97
  • Californium-Cf-98
  • Einsteinium-Es-99
  • Fermium-Fm-100
  • Mendelevium-Md-101
  • Nobelium-No-102
  • Lawrencium-Lr-103
  • Rutherfordium-Rf-104
  • Dubnium-Db-105
  • Seaborgium-Sg-106
  • Bohrium-Bh-107
  • Hassium-Hs-108
  • Meitnerium-Mt-109
  • Darmstadtium-Ds-110
  • Roentgenium-Rg-111
  • Copernicium-Cn-112
  • Ununtrium-Uut-113
  • Ununquadium-Uuq-114
  • Ununpentium-Uup-115
  • Ununhexium-Uuh-116
  • Ununseptium-Uus-117
  • Ununoctium-Uuo-118

Ring-Tailed Lemur

  • They are some times known as lemur catta this is its scientific name.
  •  It is recognised because of its long black and white tail, it is also the cleverest lemur.
  • The female Ring-Tailed Lemur runs the group and every morning the lemurs sun bathe. 

Lemurs – Reproduction

The Aye Aye is one of the only lemur that is not a seasonal breeder. This means that the Aye Aye females can get pregnant at any time, while other types of lemur can only become pregnant on a certain couple of days. Lemurs also have very short gestation periods.

Male Ring-Tailed lemurs have stink battles; this consists of them rubbing their scent glands (at the base of their fore-paws) on their tails and wafting them at the other males, even at the females sometimes! They also rub their scent glands on branches to attract the female. In most species of lemur, there is only one female in season at each time.

© Alex Dunkel via Wikimedia Commons

Scent Gland of A Male Ring Tailed Lemur

The larger species usually have 1 offspring while the smaller species of lemur can have up to four (4). Unfortunately, the mortality rate in baby lemurs is high, although the ones that survive infancy usually live up to eighteen (18) years old while those in captivity usually live up to twenty seven (27).

Aye Aye

  • They are well known because it is the largest lemur.
  • It is also known as the ugliest lemur, it also has the strangest diet of all of the lemurs.

Lemurs – Diet


Each species of lemur have a similar diet but never the same. The smaller species of lemur tend to eat fruit & small insects, they are omnivores, most lemurs are omnivores. Some of the slightly larger species of lemur are herbivores. This means they they eat fruit, plants and flowers.

One thing that all lemurs like to eat is insects (a part from the aye aye that does not usually eat small insects) such as: grass hoppers and flies. Evan though the grey mouse lemur has insects in their diets they only eat fruit and sometimes have an insect. The Ring-Tailed Lemur is known to eat out of a dustbin and to also steal human food. Did you know that the aye aye sometimes eats fungi?


I know the first 15 elements off by heart. Here they are:

  • Hydrogen
  • Helium
  • Lithium
  • Berillium
  • Boron
  • Carbon
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Fluorine
  • Neon
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Aluminium
  • Silicon
  • Phosphorous